Celebrating Leading Australia’s Green Energy Transition
GPA’s Adelaide Office Opening
On Wednesday 20th September 2023, GPA hosted the official opening of our newly expanded and renovated Adelaide office. We were proud to have the Hon. Stephen Mullighan, Treasurer of South Australia joining us for the occasion along with key clients and collaboration partners.
GPA’s newly expanded office highlights the success of our home grown South Australian business. We are proud to support and show appreciation for our staff through the creation of this new work environment, providing office spaces to enable staff to perform at their best. Steven Mullighan reflected on this sentiment in his speech, stating that the building renovations ‘show it’s not just all about the work, this is also company that puts a huge amount of stock in its people, its employees.’
GPA has grown from strength to strength in recent years, with our team now surpassing 350 staff nationally. The past year has seen us awarded with our largest contracts in history, that have the potential to be major contributors to Australia’s energy transition. GPA pursued our interest in enabling the development of the Australian Hydrogen from the get-go and are now proud to be Australia’s leading engineering design consultant for hydrogen projects. GPA’s well-rounded capabilities in this field create synergies with the SA Government’s Hydrogen Jobs Plan and we look forward to further supporting the state’s transition to green energies.
GPA is therefore anticipating an increasingly busy future, and were provided with forewarning by the Treasurer, ‘there will be customers, including the South Australian Government, that will be beating down your door for your services well into the future.’
GPA’s successes are of course made possible via the efforts of our staff, GPA’s MD, Sean Flaherty, recognising ‘for a medium sized company we are punching above our weight, we are very fortunate for the world leading projects we have the opportunity to work on and the opportunities they bring for our staff’. GPA endeavours to steadily build our engineering talent pool across Australia and are always on the lookout for inquisitive engineers that share our passion for engineering a better tomorrow.
The event was fabulous opportunity for GPA to celebrate our successes and demonstrate to our staff the value we bring to Australian industry. Steven Mullighan’s closing remarks were sure to have instilled further pride; ‘I can’t tell you from a state government perspective how much pleasure it gives me to be along here today to witness a South Australian company celebrating such a significant expansion, a milestone in its office, a great story that we look forward to continuing not only to tell, but also to see replicated in the future in the state’s economy.’

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Left to Right: Sean Flaherty (GPA MD), Glen Parkinson (GPA founding MD), John Elliott, David Johnston, the Hon. Stephen Mullighan, Treasurer of South Australia

GPA Directors and the South Australian Treasurer
Left to Right: John Elliott, David Johnston, Steven Mullighan and Sean Flaherty (GPA MD)