Shiploader Structural Assessment and Demolition Support
An incident occurred at Viterra’s Outer Harbour Export Terminal, which resulted in significant damage being caused to a shiploader boom structure.
After the incident GPA’s structural team was called to action to provide assistance to safely luff the boom and undertake initial investigation of the extent of the damage. GPA was engaged to assess various load conditions on the shiploader structure, undertaking:
- Assessment of the condition of shiploader structure following an impact/collision during operation. Different impact load conditions were analysed to define any possible overstress on structural members that may require further site investigation
- Structural integrity check of the support structure with revised boom motor output loads provided
- Structural analysis using Microstran and final reporting of findings
Later GPA’s mechanical and electrical team were engaged to undertake reviews of the different components of the shiploader and help Viterra to understand the cause of the incident, as well as evaluating alternatives for repair and possible reuse.
GPA’s risk team also provided a risk assessment of the current condition and possible re-use of the shiploader.
This information allowed Viterra to undertake a business case to explore the options to address the damaged shiploader. Viterra concluded that demolition of the shiploader was the best way forward.
GPA’s structural team was once engaged again to help Viterra providing engineering services for the demolition and heavy lifting in conjunction with demolition contractor (McMahons).
GPA provided engineering assessment and support services to allow Viterra to assess the best way forward after an incident resulted in damages to a shiploader.