
Structural Condition Assessment and Jetty Repair Works

Ardrossan shipping port is used for the export of salt and mineral sands, with large bulk carrying ships loaded on site. The condition of the jetty and materials handling equipment was deteriorating and Viterra required an assessment of the port facilities in order to determine its useful life.

GPA was engaged to undertake a condition assessment of the Ardrossan Jetty to evaluate current levels and rate of the deterioration. The outcome of this assessment was used to define repair/ replacement strategies for the jetty, GPA also assisted in the design of all the urgent repair works.

The following activities were undertaken:

  • Site Inspection of all structures above and below jetty level, including above water and below water inspections using professional divers
  • A condition classification based on risk assessment (low to high priority)
  • Recommended actions (short, medium and long term) including high level budgets for the issues identified
  • A report outlining and summarizing the findings and providing high level recommendations for actions to the issues identified

In addition, the following tasks were also undertaken:

  • Engineering and drafting for the immediate repairs works for the Motor Houses 2 and 3, Bent under Section C13 of conveyor gallery, and Dolphins 5 and 2 rayking fenders and Dolphin walkways
  • Engineering support during tender, fabrication and construction
  • Concept and detailed design for the replacement of the Pilot Platform

Condition assessment, remediation design works and engineering support provided by GPA allowed Viterra to develop a maintenance strategy and address immediate issues. GPA is also undertaking yearly monitoring inspections to keep the condition classification and risk assessment up to date. Viterra now has the confidence that Ardrossan Jetty can continue to safely support their shipping export requirements and will be able to do so into the future.

GPA provided condition assessment, remediation design works and engineering support to ensure the Ardrossan Jetty continued to operate safely and efficiently, loading ships for the export of salt and mineral sands.