GPA Engineers are active in both developing and contributing to leading edge research and technology.
GPA have contributed to the following publications:

Green Gas Alternatives for the ACT’s Commercial and Industrial Sector
This report summarises the results of a comprehensive review of stationary fossil-fuel appliances within the ACT industrial and commercial sector and their decarbonised alternatives.

Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre – Hydrogen Code of Practice
This project provides industry with a Code of Practice (CoP) for Hydrogen pipeline design and operation, including pipelines carrying hydrogen/methane blends and existing pipelines that are converted to hydrogen service and covering both carbon steel and composite materials.

Summary Report – Network Analysis for State-Wide Feasibility Studies
GPA Engineering, on behalf of Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG), completed a detailed assessment of the feasibility of injecting hydrogen into AGIG’s natural gas distribution networks in South Australia and Victoria. The assessment was focused on two scenarios: the injection into the gas networks of a 10% hydrogen / 90% natural gas blend, and the injection of 100% hydrogen gas. The scope of the assessment included suitability of network materials covering piping, components and devices, the effect of hydrogen on operational procedures and safety in design and compatibility of downstream consumer piping and fittings.

RP2.2-01: Regulatory mapping for future fuels
To better understand the regulatory landscape and barriers to the introduction of hydrogen and biogas to existing natural gas infrastructure, GPA were engaged to undertake research in conjunction with RMIT University and University of Sydney. GPA Senior consultant, Briony O’Shea and Mechanical Engineer, Daniel Krosch were authors and members of the research project team who developed this report.

Hydrogen in the Gas Distribution Networks
GPA explored the technical and regulatory impacts of adding up to 10% hydrogen to the natural gas distribution networks within Australia. Prepared by GPA Engineering for the Government of South Australian in partnership with Future Fuels CRC on behalf of the COAG Energy Council.

Hydrogen Impacts on Downstream Installations and Appliances
GPA explored the impacts of up to 10% hydrogen blended in natural gas on end-users supplied from the distribution network. Prepared by GPA Engineering on behalf of the COAG Energy Council, the South Australian Government Department of Energy and Mining (SAG DEM) and Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (FFCRC).