Hazardous Area Compliance Services
GPA has provided Hazardous Area Compliance services at several defence facilities throughout Australia.
Providing services including:
- Hazardous area classification (explosive gas and dust atmospheres)
- Auditing of equipment located in hazardous areas (inclusive of explosive hazardous areas)
- Remediation of non-compliant electrical installations
- Selection of hazardous area equipment
- Design for hazardous area installations
- The creation of hazardous area dossiers
Project examples include:

DST Hazardous Area Compliance
GPA was engaged to provide a PLC-controlled automatic lighting and alarm system, as well as hazardous area assistance to Nilsen for the DST Edinburgh buildings under construction.
The hazardous area assistance involved design for electrical equipment in hazardous areas, ex-rated electrical equipment supply, assisting Nilsen regarding electrical installation in hazardous areas and ultimately producing a hazardous area verification dossier for the site. The hazardous areas involved both Australian Standards zones and defence defined REA zones (Restricted Electrical Area).

RAAF Base Woomera Hazardous Area Compliance
GPA were engaged to provide hazardous area consultation services for the Woomera RAAF Base DFI Hazardous Area Compliance project.
Defects identified during site inspections of the fuel farm in March 2019 required remediation, the hazardous area dossier then required updating to include all new deliverables.
A shipping container was also installed on site for storage of AVGAS. As a result, the plant’s hazardous area classification and drawings required updating.

RAAF Base Tindal Hazardous Area Audit of Existing Fuel Farms
GPA were engaged to provide hazardous area engineering support and review services for the Tindal HA Audit of Existing Fuel Farms project.
The scope of work included:
- Provide Hazardous Area engineering support and specialist advice to M&K Lee (Contractor)
- Audit of the electrical installation check-sheets and hazardous area compliance documentation
- Site visit to inspect HA work and conformity of the installation
- Prepare a Hazardous Area Dossier for the Tindal Fuel Farm project
GPA has provided Hazardous Area Compliance services at several defence facilities throughout Australia.
- Services Involved